45 Maple Drive, Beaver Pennsylvania 15009 | 724.495.6820 | Worship Time: 11:00 am
Hope Lutheran Church is a small, caring and welcoming group of people who believe in Jesus Christ and are guided by the Holy Spirit. We are grounded in a Lutheran understanding of Word and Sacrament. In gratitude for what God has freely given us, we are committed to serve all people.
We are enriched and nourished by regular participation in the Sacrament and the study of Scripture. This enables us to go and serve everyone who touches our community. We work individually and with others to make our church and our lives a living witness to Christ in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and community.
Founded in 1954, we faithfully work together to meet the needs of God’s people. With the addition of a social hall we now have a space for fellowship. Several outside organizations take advantage of our facilities for meetings.
We are part of a parish that includes Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Beaver, PA. We share a pastor and have some common activities, including intimate midweek Lenten and Advent services with a light supper before worship. Our worship service is traditional and includes grace filled preaching and beautiful music.
We have an active women’s group that meets for Bible study, fellowship and outreach. We take a meal and supplies to Crossroads Men’s Shelter in Beaver Falls monthly and support organizations in our community.
Small but mighty, we welcome visitors and newcomers!
| Copyright © 2018 – Beaver Brighton Township Lutheran Parish. All rights reserved. |