1098 3rd Street, Beaver Pennsylvania 15009  |  724.774.1413  |  Worship Time: 9:15 am  |  

The Latest News from Holy Trinity Lutheran...

Lent and Lenten Wednesday’s

Lent begins on Wednesday March 5th with Ash Wednesday services at 11:00 a.m. at Holy Trinity and at Hope at 7:00 p.m. Lenten Wednesday’s Taizé services will be at 7:00 p.m. and supper at 6:00 p.m. will also be help. More information and schedule will follow in March.


Service project – Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity is sponsoring 2 children from Pakistan. Please let Sharron Gulish know if you are interested in contributing. Our church’s share of the full cost of tuition, uniforms, and books for two children is $450 a year. Thanks for your generosity we have already met the commitment!


New Church Directory

Our last church directory was done in 2015 – it is time for a new directory. One of our members has volunteered to take pictures of everyone. Please let Pastor Margarethe know what Sunday you are available to have your photo taken.


Annual Congregational Meetings

Hope will hold their annual meeting on January 26th after worship. Holy Trinity will hold their annual meeting on February 9th after worship. Please look for more information in upcoming bulletins.


Grief Group

The grief share program is a group from men and women, and it makes no difference no matter how long ago the loss occurred. All are welcome. The next meeting with be on January 13th at Hope. Please let Pastor Margarethe know if you would like to join.


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